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Each month, Keep Corinth-Alcorn Beautiful (KCAB) selects a local business as the Beautiful Business of the Month. Please let us know if there is a business you think improves the appearance of our community through their landscaping and beautification efforts. 


Nomination Guidelines and information: 


-All businesses within the City of Corinth and Alcorn County are eligible for nomination. 

-Nominations must be received by the last day of the month in order to be considered at the following month’s KCAB board meeting. 

-Self-nominations are accepted.

-A business can only win the award once every 2 years. 

-Winners will receive a yard sign noting their award and will receive promotion on social media. 

-All monthly winners will be automatically considered for the annual Beautiful Business of the Year award which will be presented at The Alliance’s annual meeting. 


Nominations are based on the following criteria:


  • Absence of litter

  • Color

  • Creativity

  • Defined flower beds

  • Mulch

  • Pruning and maintenance

  • Turf

  • Exterior condition

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